The SpouseBUZZ Book Club?


Okay, I'm thinking out loud here, which is often a dangerous thing for me to do. Just ask my husband... Last month, some of the SpouseBUZZ authors received a copy of While They're at War, a fascinating book written by author and milspouse Kristin Henderson. We read the book and conducted an interview with Kristin, which you can listen to here.

Earlier this month, ArmyWifeToddlerMom published a post about another book aimed at military families. In the comment section, we found this gem.

So, it occurred to me that maybe we should start a SpouseBUZZ Book Club. Each month, or each quarter, we could select a book that deals with military life and we could read and discuss it together. When possible, the SpouseBUZZ authors could solicit questions from you, interview the author of the selected book and post the podcast here.

Just a thought. Any interest?

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