A new milspouse friend


I work in a place that has over 200 employees and multiple departments.  The other day I had a chance meeting with a milspouse.  She works in a different department and we "met at the copy machine."

We started chatting and I found out she is a spouse of an Army Reservist.  Her husband was in Iraq when the war started in 2003.  She has two kids close to my kids' age.  She has a female yellow lab, we have a male yellow lab.  She lives about 3 miles from me.  Who knew?

I don't live in a military community so this was a great chance
meeting.  I only know of one other milspouse where I work, although I
assume there may be more.  Now when I see my new friend we chat and
share "deployment stories" and all things military.  It's nice.  I miss
the military community, I really do.  The connections we share as
milspouses is one I treasure and have more appreciation for every day.

So when you are having one of those days/weeks/months where the
military community seems to be "getting old" or you are just plain
annoyed (and yes, that DOES happen), take a minute and think about what
you would do without those connections.  If you have never lived
"outside" of a military community, I can tell you it is different.  I
have lived here for almost two years and I am starting to understand
the struggles that Reserve and Guard Families face.  I commend those of
you in the Reserve or Guard for what you do "outside" of the military
community.  And I have a lot of appreciation for the differences in
life-styles you all face compared to those of us on Active duty who are
(usually) surrounded by the military.

I'm excited to have a new milspouse friend!

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