It is "Pathetic," but it's Kinda Funny, Too...


CopingArmyWife is a new poster around here (welcome!). I've been reading her comments. One of them was a perfect reminder that during a deployment, it's often the little things that get you down. Because, as we know, the little things are always connected to the big thing.... Although her comment on this post wasn't meant to be funny, it made me laugh.

My husband just deployed last week
and I know I haven't been eating well. Its my first deployment but its
his 4th. Finding something to eat everyday has been the biggest
challenge for me. I moved in with him 2 months ago and just got used to
cooking dinner for 2 people..I bought cook books and found recipes
online. Now im down to cooking for 1 person. I will definitely go to
the store to find a smaller baking pan and go to sams club for the
single wrapped items. I tried to cook chicken yesterday in my 9x13 pan
and it looked so pathetic.
One single chicken breast in a gigantic pan. I felt so sad and defeated when I saw that.


And yes, it is "pathetic," but the mental picture of
this tiny piece of chicken floating around in a big baking pan cracked me up because I've been there, done that. During one deployment, it was Progresso soup that finally "defeated" me. Night after night after night of soup. Truthfully, all you really need is this. I think it'll get anyone through a deployment just fine. The bonus is that nothing gets lost in the "pan." My thighs are so happy I didn't know about that while my husband was deployed. Otherwise, it would have been dinner four nights a week. Waaayyyy better than soup....

CopingArmyWife, welcome to SpouseBUZZ. We hope your time here helps make the deployment a tad easier.

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